
Almost the end of an era

 Finished editing both trailers !! 

This is actually huge news because I have finished editing the trailers for my last ever Cambridge project. This is actually really sad but for the past two days I have been working harder than ever and I am really proud of both of them. I decided to go as my original plan and stick with Youtube free copy right music and you can tell that they are both two different trailers for two different genres. I do not want to give too much away but the second one is very relate able for the target audience. To celebrate the finishing of both trailers heres a sneak peak picture of the final clip in it.

As you can see she is really surprised that she has found out she is a mermaid!

On to other news....
The social media page will officially be launched tomorrow. I will post a picture, behind the scene footage, and even a little bit of the trailer each day before time is up and you my Cambridge members are going to see!
The Poster is also complete !!
I am also glad to announce that the poster is also completed and ready to be turned in. I do not want to reveal anything but it is everything I visioned it would be. It has the original picture i was going to use with "the water is calling", as well as the coming soon date, the rating of the movie! 
So what is next you ask?
For my next and final posts I will be more in depth on the Critical reflection answering each and every question. My next posts for you guys will be how to nail the reflection essay portion of this project. I hope you guys enjoyed this update and see you tomorrow!


Instagram time


So we have the name of the account, now we are going to have to put the bio, the profile picture, hash tags, and what pictures and videos we are going to have to include on this social media page. 


With the many examples of the films I provided and what we can do to promote our movie I think the bio will most likely fall into something looking like this. 

This fits perfectly because it will have what the poster says,  a website that will lead to the film and the name of the film. 

Profile Picture 
Out of all the ones I could have possible chosen I think that this is the right choice. It describes the whole feeling of the film and will help the audience know that this picture belongs to the film. It also gives a warm feeling and its brightness of the blue makes it appealing to the eye which will help the target audience want to see it even more.

Besides that, I have considered that putting hashtags would help a lot boost people clicking on our profile and over all account. In this generation kids search up hash tags so with each post I make I will probably put hash tags like #ocean #wateriscalling #sea 

With many examples on other films the account will most likely have behind the scenes footage, funny clips and a lot of pictures used like locations, and other things. These pictures will be posts on the social media page. 

 There will obviously be more but these are just a few that are funny, personal and up close. In order for the target audience to also get a sneak peak that Ocean does not always look camera ready! 


Journey to the center of the second trailer

 Okay, now I am serious when I say this but I am finished filming EVERYTHING for my second trailer! 👍

I know what you are probably thinking and you're right. I know I say in most blog posts that I am done filming but this time I really mean it. So a day ago I went to the beach and covered more B roll footage because you never know right. Okay well, before I continue with more news here are the last couple of shots I did for the second  film. 

It is just some basic stuff but I got but it will make a lot more difference when you see it in the second trailer!

What about the shot of Ocean painting a picture?
So, I thought about it and honestly, with Ocean painting a picture on the ocean, it would take away the focus of what is really important which is her moms journal and her big secret. If I showed Ocean, painting that picture it would make it look less realistic that she has so much free hand on her time instead of attending classes. Plus, I shot so many important key events that I was analyzing that it probably would not have fit in anyway. 

Things that will be for sure done this week and next week. 
Kind of crazy that the project is almost due. Before I know it, it will be April and I am gonna be submitting the whole project. Now here is for sure what is going to happen. 
- Next week ( edit the whole second trailer) 
- Next week ( finish editing the poster ) 
- This week ( start the social media page for the movie 
- Next week ( complete the social media page for the movie) 

These are all very exciting things to do and I can't wait to share. See you next blog ! 


The beach is my favorite place to be

 Went to the beach again, and filmed even more. 💤

Surprised? At this point, the movie and the trailer feels like it's my own life. As you know my fellow Cambridge readers, I am on Spring Break and being in Florida warm weather and everything I went to the beach again. At this point I practically live there. Anyways, I actually filmed today in a different location known as Dania beach. I decided to have an amazing idea for the second trailer. So I was looking at fonts and stuff but it occurred to me what if I make the title of the movie different. Instead of just inserting a font why don't I just write the title in the sand. So that is exactly what I did. 

I do not know yet, but I might actually include this in the film. It's really cool and no one has done it before so I feel like I would have my own unique taste on it. 

Great, Great Great News!
I finished editing the first trailer! This is actually so exciting because, it took me a whole four days to do it. I actually did not want to say anything but I did it over the weekend and it looks great.  Besides that, I ended up finding free copy right music on Youtube like I said I would. and I made Ocean (my sister) follow a format on what to say for the voice over. For the voice over I made Ocean capture her life story and it sounds so dramatic in a good way. I captured every shot I wanted and it looks amazing. Here are some shots that I included in the editing. 

Well Cambridge, thats it for today I will have more news for me next blog posts! Peace out and thank you!


might film a little more

 So I took my  classmates ideas and I decided to find pictures in a store near me called Michaels. It’s a store full of arts and crafts and what I am going to do is, buy a profesional picture and make it seem like Ocean painted it so it looks legit. I would have my sister paint it but it’s not gonna turn out as good. Here are a couple of paintings I would like to buy. 

These are some great ideas I would like to purchase. 

How would I film this shot?

I would film it by having Ocean, painting it on the sunrise and have a paint brush and act like she is finishing the painting. It would most likely be an over the shoulder shot or a long shot to make it even more realistic. This will help a lot in my second trailer because it will give the audience new shots and not be sick and tired of the same repetitive ones. 

What’s in store for next week? 

I am going to start the social media, and start investigating what pairs I should do, what I should have in the bio, if I should have other people post the movie in order to really make it feel like an actual movie!!


group meetings !!


Today the Group Meetings helped so much 

So today we had group meetings in the sense of helping me with the ideas on what the poster should have. As well as what song I should use for the second movie. Another tip they gave me was another shot of Ocean dealing with her artistic side by painting a picture of the water to show her personally. 

The song choice ! ☺

So since my target audience is thirteen and up, mainly 1998 kids through 2000s kids, they thought it was a good idea to have a throw back nostalgic song that will attract the kids even more. This is a really good idea because something that Generation Z kids really like is anything that reminds them of their child hood. 

This song is very nostalgic which helps the idea that kids will 100% want to watch the film. As well as young adults who were born in that era. 

What the posters should include ❤❤❤
So basically I needed help to what include in the poster, if it should have a little catchphrase or things like that. So this is what my classmates said to include. 
The water is calling 
They decided on this because it fits perfectly on the theme, and it will attract my target audience


So, I filmed a scene where Ocean is at the garden and they said to not include that in the trailer because, it ruins the whole aesthetic ness of her belonging to the ocean. They said to replace it with a scene of her painting a picture by the ocean to show her true artistic side. 

Thank you for reading today’s posts goodbye!! 


I am in LOVE with this project

 💤More and more filming 💙☺

Okay so now I have had a lot more thinking and when I was filming this weekend, for the second trailer I thought it would be fun to explore and have a lot more different shots of Ocean. I filmed her a lot on the beach but now that I have a lot of shots of Ocean being in love with the ocean, I wanted to film Ocean in another element. In West Palm Beach, where my sister lives there is a Japanese Garden filled with the most amazing plants and it also shows how Ocean is one with nature, not just with the water but her surroundings. It shows her artistic side a lot more. Here are a couple of sneak peaks that will be included in the shots for my Gen Z trailer 

For the Gen Z trailer I am going to have  a lot of up beat music and try to use as little footage from the first trailer as possible. Not to mention that I am going to include a shot that reveals Ocean's secret in a very funny way!

Editing the Drama Trailer 💭
So since I already have all the footage, I am thinking about editing this trailer during spring break. I would also have the poster ready by Spring Break as well. 

But Before I end this blog.. here is something funny 
So, while filming my sister doing her college daily life to make it more realistic, I decided to have a shot of her laying on a tree reading her moms journal. There was a certain someone who was not happy that my sister was laying on that tree. 

 This little fella was not pleased with my sister laying on his tree. So there was a lot of convincing for that to be able to happen. With a lot of communication we ended up filming this scene and it was fine. 


social media page YAY

 Lets get this social media party started 😊

So now we have to really get into the promotion of the film and find a good way to make  asocial media page for the film. Now with a lot of research, since 2018 I found stats that helped me find the perfect social media platform that will help me get exposure to the film. 

💙I N S T A G R A M 💙

I decided to use Instagram because it is a lot of variety, and it will get me exposure from people not just from the U.S. but all around the world. I would use Tiktok but most of the time the platform is only good for promoting music, or influencers on the rising. It would also give me exposure to the United States because Tiktok only shows videos of your region and nothing else. 

So what will the page be called? 
I have the name of the social media, and it is going to be called @oceanfilmoffical. 
With the Instagram I think I will have the bio, include the date of the release and other things that will promote the film. These are couple of movies that came out that I will gain ideas to put in the Instagram bio. 




But first, a quick little update 

Okay so I know in an earlier posts I said I will Film Ocean also known as my sister on March 20th. My sister and I had the spontaneous idea to just wake up early and go wake up and film. So this is actually a good thing because it gives me more time to go and edit and focus on the Social media page and making the movie poster amazing. So I already filmed Ocean on the beach with her dream. And today I filmed my sister doing daily college activities, and even had another spontaneous idea so that is really exciting! 

What I filmed for the second trailer! 

So, I am obviously going to use a couple of shots that I used for the Drama trailer in the second trailer. So in the second trailer I really wanted to focus on Ocean just being a regular girl and attending college, doing daily activities. I had another great idea to really get in depth with how Ocean is as a person and since Ocean is all about the arts, and connecting to nature, my sister and I went to a nearby Japanese garden that was absolutely beautiful. Here are all the shots that I filmed for the second trailer. 


- Medium shots of Ocean walking in the garden 

- Close up of Ocean smelling a flower 

- Point of view shot of Ocean researching mermaids on campus 

- Long shot of ocean reading her moms journal on a tree

- Another point of view shot of her studying her Bio 

- Long shot of Ocean realizing she might be a mermaid 

Here is another exclusive peak on most of the shots I filmed today 

Thank you so much Cambridge readers for reading my blog post today! See you next week!



We are going through the schedule as planned and we started filming Ocean. Today we woke up very early in the morning and we woke up at 6am to see the Sunrise to get the full effect of Ocean's dream. This is a major thing. So in order to also catch the whole feeling on how Ocean is as a person, I decided to dress her up with a blue and white dress to represent the ocean. I also let Ocean have her natural wavy hair, with the pearl necklace that her mom gave her to show how much the Ocean is calling her. These are the shots that I filmed today. 

- Close up of Oceans eyes 

- Close up of the ocean 

- Medium shot of a silhouette of Ocean looking at the beach 

- Long shot of another sailboat sailing on the Ocean

- Long shot in slow motion of a bird flying across the ocean 

- Medium shot of Ocean dancing 

- Close up of Ocean touching the pearl necklace 

Here is a sneak peak shot of Ocean!

Extra B roll footage .. just in case 

So just in case I would have needed more footage I filmed a couple of things for the rest of the Drama film that I could also include. 

-  Close up of Ocean's feet touching the water 

- Birds on the water 

-  Ocean running away from the water 

-  More close up shots of the water 

-  Filming her researching her moms journal 


 This was such a cool way for me to capture in the moment. I told my sister to just start walking on the water and I captured this and it was an amazing moment. 

Okay thats it! Time to get started on the Gen Z trailer !


getting into even more detail

Time to discuss.... the font!💙

So, this is something that has been on my mind since the weekend. The factor of the font is very important and it is going to set the tone for the project. I have seen a couple of fonts that I would like to use and I am going to pick at the end of this blog! I found this website that is only inspired by Ocean movies and it is called creativemarket.com It gives me a variety of fonts that fit in the beach/ Ocean aesthetic.

This is the website I found for fonts. All inspired by Sailors and the sea.

Font #1

This is a good choice because it shows the maturity and gives off the tone of the movie that it is going to be very serious and give it that drama effect that I am looking for. 

Font #2
 Now I am conflicted with this font because it shows a form of being  a little to innocent and cliche when I want it to be more impactful. This font looks more for a young age type of film and does not give me the attention of it being a film for teens. This is more like a font you would see in a family movie. 

Font #3

This is another font that I think would have been a goof fit if it were for a family rated film. Gives it more of a girl film instead of it attracting both make and female which is my main goal. 

And the winner is.....❤
The font Navigator!
I chose Navigator because it gives off the exact mood that I want and when the target audience sees the type of font the movie has it will give them the feeling of it all being about the ocean. 


Whoops I forogt

😅 I kind of forgot to tell you guys something really important.. 

So there may or may not be key information that I did not really go in depth with about the film I am going to do and I apologize for that. But before I get into what I forgot let me update you on a mini meeting I had with my teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa !

Mini Meeting👀

So today, I had a very important business meeting with my teacher who is just checking up on me and letting me know how I am doing with this project. She told me that she thinks my blogs are fine and she likes the constant visuals I put there. She loved the idea of the Marine center I visited a couple of weeks ago. She did give me a tip for the music since she saw that I am no longer going to rely on the big companies I was going to count on. She gave me the idea to visit a website called puprle-planet.com Which is basically a website for free copy right music that I can include in my film. She also told me that I can use multiple songs in the trailer and include some sort of dialogue. She also recommended to go to Youtube library which is most likely what i am going to end up doing since it worked a lot for the last project I did. 

Now.. on to the KEY DETAIL I missed 

Okay so, I am pretty sure I told you guys about the genre but I was not specific on what is the genre I am actually going to do and why. So the official genre of the film is.. Drama/ Fantasy. In the very beginning of when the project was introduced I was going to simply focus it on Fantasy. I talked it out with my teacher and she told me that mainly doing it on Fantasy was not a good idea because I do not have the budget to produce a film like that. So I looked at examples and movies that the main Genre is Drama and the sub genre is Fantasy. Since the film is more about Ocean discovering her past and learning more about her mom and her research it was better off to mainly focus it on Drama. Especially because Drama is my specialty. Here are some few examples I looked at. Now these examples are  obviously more Fantasy than Drama but in the trailers of a lot of the films they all start with the element of drama. So I got a lot of ideas from these films, with the plot because all of the films provided a parent has died. 

Example #1

 Nanny Mc Phee (2005) I think this is one of the films where I found comfort in finding the genre and the trailer because it starts off with a voice over on how a only parent lost his significant other so that already attracts my target audience. 

Example #2

 Narnia (2005) Again I watched the trailer of this film and it starts with the element of a broken family because of World War 2, so finding that in this film was the main focus of my film.

Example #3
A series of Unfortunate events (2004) is more on the mystery dram fantasy but again the trailer is started with the drama of the parents dying. 

These are all the films I investigated when I wanted to find a way for my film to be more on the Drama side than the Fantasy side. 


So I have more ideas

🦋 So, the poster idea is gonna be great !! 🦋

Welcome back my fellow Cambridge leaders, so I have gotten more ideas on what the poster is going to be and I got a lot of ideas that I am excited to share with you! 

Before I give you the ideas, I saw a couple of posters within the drama / teen/ Fantasy genre that could really spice up my trailer!

                                                                  Thirteenth Year ( 1999)

This would be a good idea but I do not want to completely reveal that she is a mermaid in the poster to give it more of a surprise element. 
Aquamarine ( 2006)

This is also another movie example I looked at but it still reveals the fact the one of the protagonists is a mermaid, I like that her eyes are very vibrant in the poster that show how she is a mermaid because of the color blue, which is something I could use.

Soul Surfer ( 2011) 
This is the idea that I am going to rely on the most because it shows the significance of the ocean in the background with the blue skies, again using the protagonists eyes to tell a story. This hold a deeper meaning that is going to make the story more about drama and will engage my target audience. 

Future plans for poster?
Next weekend I am going to start filming the trailer with my sister who plays Ocean, and I will take a picture of her while we are shooting that will grasp the perfect essence of the film. 




Okay so, again my family loves to do spontaneous activities so on Friday, I went to the beach again and I thought it was a perfect idea to shoot some shots while I was there. Literally God is so amazing, that my story plot line require some sort of footage to show how Ocean’s mom was a sailor and she died in a boat wreck. So.. guess what appeared in the ocean during the sunset while I was there. 

I captured a sail boat , sailing across the OCEAN. I HAVE BEVER BEEN MORE HAPPY! This shot was so amazing to capture and it was a beautiful moment to experience in general! I also captured shots of the ocean and a whole bunch of other shots for the film. Here is the list of the shots I have captured so far! 

Shot List captured so far !

- Long shot of the ocean during a sunset 

- Close up of the ocean water during the afternoon

- Seagulls flying across the sun in slow motion for Oceans dream in the drama trailer 

- Long shot of Ocean’s mother walking along the beach (drama trailer)

- Close up and Medium shot of fishes in a aquarium to show Ocean is a bio major 

- Long shot of sail boat sailing across the ocean 

- Long shot of Marine Turtle center to show how Ocean is so obsessed with the ocean ( Gen Z trailer) 

So... what about the music ?

So, basically after thinking about it for a long time and since I do not really want to rely on these companies responses because realistically they are most likely not going to answer, I will find instrumental and upbeat music on YouTube that does not have copy right! 

That’s about it for now!! Come back tomorrow for another blog post !


okay down to buisnes

 Getting permission for ... THE SONG😅

Okay, so time to dive right into the production. Get it. It's an Ocean joke, cause my project is about the.. never mind. Anyways, in order for my trailer and for the target audience to have the whole experience I want to find the right song for both the Drama trailer and the more Gen Z trailer. If you did not know, I am doing two trailers because it is part of the package deal. So the first trailer that I am going to focus on is is the Drama trailer. Here are the elements that I am going to focus on the trailer. 

- Sad, yet modern music to attract target audience 

- Put a lot about the tragedy of Ocean's mom dying 

- Upsetting voice over that will let the audience know that she did not have her mom around 

- Have a shot of a picture of Ocean's mom 

- Have shots of Ocean constantly reading her mother's journal that was the only thing left after her boat accident

- Focus a lot on the dream, to make the connection to her and the Ocean a lot stronger. 

  For the audience to feel what I want them to feel with this trailer, I am going to have to pick the perfect song so I have two options. 

1.) Secrets - One Republic 

The reason this song would have a nice fit, is because it was used in a very successful Disney film called The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It is also a song that Generation Z grew up with and they find comfort in that song. It also has the perfect orchestra to introduce the dream and it would be a lot easier to set the mood for a Drama film. 

2.) Clocks - Coldplay 

This song would also be a perfect choice because again it sets the tone for the Drama film, and it creates such a good beginning to the trailer already having the audience hooked. Again it was also used in a very successful Universal film, Peter Pan. 

The song that I am going to go with is... Secrets by One Republic ! Now I am going to ask for permission to use the song 

I really hope they accept my request and my approval for the song!


This weekend was so productive YAY

 I started FILMING🎥

Hi welcome back to my blog! This week is super exciting and I have done so much and I am so ahead of the game which makes things a lot easier. Last year, with COVID just beginning, it was a lot harder to film and get all the shots, and meet with my partner. Now, relying on my sister is so much easier and I get things done a lot faster and a lot more better. This weekend I spent it with my sister at the beach and we also went to a Marine Center for Sea Turtles and it was such an amazing experience! While I was there it was perfect because I got to film some shots of some fish in aquariums and just the place in general, and I got to see my favorite animal which is the Sea Turtle. 

Here are some pictures I got to take from the place

A big shout out to Loggerhead Marine Center in West Palm for giving me one of the best days ever, as well as getting to film Ocean and making her more involved with her character. The scenes I filmed is going to be covered by a voice over that says how she volunteers in a Marine Center because of the love she has with ocean animals.