Getting permission for ... THE SONG😅Okay, so time to dive right into the production. Get it. It's an Ocean joke, cause my project is about the.. never mind. Anyways, in order for my trailer and for the target audience to have the whole experience I want to find the right song for both the Drama trailer and the more Gen Z trailer. If you did not know, I am doing two trailers because it is part of the package deal. So the first trailer that I am going to focus on is is the Drama trailer. Here are the elements that I am going to focus on the trailer.
- Sad, yet modern music to attract target audience
- Put a lot about the tragedy of Ocean's mom dying
- Upsetting voice over that will let the audience know that she did not have her mom around
- Have a shot of a picture of Ocean's mom
- Have shots of Ocean constantly reading her mother's journal that was the only thing left after her boat accident
- Focus a lot on the dream, to make the connection to her and the Ocean a lot stronger.
For the audience to feel what I want them to feel with this trailer, I am going to have to pick the perfect song so I have two options.
1.) Secrets - One Republic
The reason this song would have a nice fit, is because it was used in a very successful Disney film called The Sorcerer's Apprentice. It is also a song that Generation Z grew up with and they find comfort in that song. It also has the perfect orchestra to introduce the dream and it would be a lot easier to set the mood for a Drama film.
2.) Clocks - Coldplay
This song would also be a perfect choice because again it sets the tone for the Drama film, and it creates such a good beginning to the trailer already having the audience hooked. Again it was also used in a very successful Universal film, Peter Pan.
The song that I am going to go with is... Secrets by One Republic ! Now I am going to ask for permission to use the song
I really hope they accept my request and my approval for the song!