

Our Journey Has Come to a Close 

Thank you Cambridge for  this perfect opportunity of letting me go and share this amazing process with you. I am so thankful for this and I am so glad to share these answers while my assistant is talking. This will be missed.. THANK YOU AND GOOD BYE 

part 1 of CCR
Due to technology lacking the video is in low quality because the file disappeared from my blog and I had to video tape it in order to turn it in. 

part 2: 

part 3: 
part 4:

part 5: 

part 6: 
credit of song : Gwen Steffani 


The Grand Finale !!!!!

↮Thank you ↮

Before you see the video, I just want to say thank you, for going on this journey with me. It has been a pleasure updating you in every way. Sad t say, that our journey this week, comes to a close. I would like to thank the whole production team (me, myself, and I ) and the cast, and Ana for making this a grand success. The moment you all have been waiting for... "Love Me"!!!!

We hope you enjoy !!


Another reflection because this was A HUGE deal for me


My portfolio project development was a very interesting and long process. Like I talked about in my CCR, it was a very big growing moment for me. It started off with this tiny idea that soon became this grand production with a lot of time, dedication, and detail put into it. It started off with me doing a bunch of research in oder to capture as much knowledge I could for my project. I started looking up statistics on which genre was most popular and why, right now in our generation. I also looked up the perfect target audience for the genre i was using, and I discovered  through my research as well, what my target audience would most likely see in oder to get them interested in my film.  I started off working alone but ended up getting to work with my classmate who is now a really goof friend of mine one last time.  I started working on emailing artists for the song, doing the story board, as well as setting up photo shoots for the cast.  My process in the beginning was very bad actually. At first I had no idea what I was doing and was really scared about what to do for this production. After a little bit of time that passed,  I knew exactly the purpose of the production, to who I wanted to use as my actors. I started becoming more organized started finding out the mis-en-scene to use, to where the setting of the production was going to place. Every week I had progressed tremendously by capturing every little detail I needed to make this a great success. Even though I had my ideas and I had exactly every tool I needed in order to deliver the message across, it was not an easy process. It evolved a lot because my partner and I had to think of many solutions to fix little problems here and there. I started deciding on the props to use in order to make this a great success. Then after a lot of postponing because of COVID-19 we got filming and editing done by the last week of March, having more than enough footage to make the introduction a success.  As for the CCR it took a lot of planing to do a week ahead of time because I had to go in depth with my research the answer the questions given to me. Overall,  As cheesy as it sounds in the beginning I felt like a little kid but came out growing to be an  as it sounds in the beginning I felt like a little kid but came out growing to be an adult.I think I grew out of this and now because of this will be ready for any other challenge that is thrown at me .




CCR progresss wohoo


I am super excited to say that we filmed the CCR for my portfolio project. Let me tell you that was not an easy process. Filming my assistant Tinker bell was a huge pain in my.. butt. There were a lot of activities we did that will be included in the CCR. 


1. Reading a book 
2.Going outside taking a soak in the sun
3.Eating her rich meal 
4.Sleeping all bundled up 
5.Getting pampered 
6.Getting a Massage 
7.Playing the piano 
8. Relaxing in her director chair 

There were many changes I did, for the introduction now we will have the song"Rich Girl" by Gwen Stefani, with Tinker bell all up in a cute outfit making her look like a rich girl. I decided it would be a cute and funny start of there is a small montage of her looking like a QUEEN, while delivering us the message of the questions. 

Script changes 

I had to make my script way shorter because I recorded myself and I ended up talking for twenty two minutes. So, I have cut it down to at least eleven minutes while still getting my point across, with enough information. 

For now, before you get to see my full CCR, enjoy this video of Tinker bell not cooperating 
Oh and please disregard my sister laughing in the back ground. 


new new updates

Kinda sorta forgot to do my final statement for my CCR...whoops

So, I might have forgot to include my ending on the reflection for my CCR, so I am going to do that now. 

The project itself was, a very difficult and stressful process due to COVID-19. It  was a great learning process that really made me grow as individual and even though I was stressed I am glad I had this experience.

I have learned that directing and creating a movie relies on a lot of dedication and time, and is not an easy process. If I had the chance to do something differently I would for sure used the song that I was planning to and maybe email way more artists than what I already did. 

For next time I could use better lighting tools because I felt like some shots needed a little more lighting than others. 


Tomorrow April 7th we will film and edit the whole CCR with my assistant Tinker bell. 

She is currently slacking on the job, but she will be in good shape to film tomorrow!

My CCR script

I have finished making the CCR script, but since it is a little too long and would take to much space on this blog I will just post a sneak peak of it.

Any las minute changes ? 

Being quite honest, not there are not any, the only thing I have to do is cut my script a little short because it exceeds the limit of ten minutes. So when we film and record the voice over tomorrow for Tinker bell, that is “answering the questions” I will start cutting it down to the most important information to get my point across for the CCR

Before this blog post comes to a close, is is sad to say I only have two more posts to put on here, so while you wait for the grand opening film of “Love Me” here is a very funny blooper you will enjoy. 



The moment we all have been waiting for.. The answer to the last CCR question!!

But before we start answering the last question, here is my current mood and a blooper since all I have to do now after answering the last question is make a script and film my assistant. 

Question #4: How did you integrate technologies -software , Hardware and Online in this project 💜

First of all, I want to begin answering this question by saying that the only technology I used during the whole production, was my iPhone XR. That’s it folks. Now dissuading their hardware I did play around with the lighting and controlled it while filming on my phone to lighter or darker to really set the tone for the film. There were no tripods, dollies, sliders or anything like that. Since our society has advanced so much all I really needed to film was my phone. With the XR has a 12- megapixel creating a full in depth look to anything I take a video or a picture of. Every tool I needed was on my phone. For lightning though, sometimes I would grab another iPhone and put the flash on and use that as a mother lighting source.

So thank you and shout out to Apple for helping me out( non spins) 


All the planning tools that I did was use Google Calendar, to keep myself organized and have a proper schedule on when to do what activity to advance in the film of Love Me. As for editing tools I used a typical editing software known as IMovie. There we had many different options on the filters we wanted to use , for the font we chose a serious form that IMovie provided us. Using blogger as well to document every little piece of information on how the project was going updating and tweaking little mistakes her and there. Blogger was actually a huge help in this process because it helped us know what we had already and what we did not. Technology did not really help us solve any problems because while we were filming we did not really run into any. There were no new technologies to achieve a specific aspect of production. I know kinda boring but it is the truth. Being honest I knew how to edit and use tools such as I movie really well because previous projects had made me comfortable editing on this app, giving me all the resources I needed. Lastly no I did not run into any obstacles with technologies. I was always prepared had my phone fully charged since that was the only tool I used. 



Answering questions 2 and 3 wooohoooo

💛Question #2: How Does Your Product Engage With Audiences And How Would It Be Distributed As A Real Media Text ?💛

My Aice media studies teacher told me the first thing we should do for the first question, with talking about our Target Audience. So this is exactly what I will start to answer my second question. 

⇝Target Audience ⇜

My target audience is from the ages of thirteen to twenty five. To really get a young audience because in the Drama genre it is known that about 89% of the viewers is female. Which is why I described in my last blog post that females is who we are targeting the most because of the fact that in the industry, females view it way more than males do. Ugh girls are so sensitive it is like they want to cry. Anyways.......  Teenagers and social media use is increasing, the main reasons teenagers regularly use social media include: talking to friends. joining in on group conversations. learning about current events and staying up to date with online content. Our Target audience is essentially in technical terms "teenagers" It is an important part of socialising and connection in the modern world. According to many resources teenagers and social media use is increasing, the main reasons teenagers regularly use social media is for them to be connected not just to themselves but the world in general. We picked the genre Drama because in the industry it is said that Drama and Action are the most viewed now in the 21st century specially for our target audience. Our Target Audience is always on their phone and constantly view things that are emotional towards them. Latest research says that over 60% of our target audience view things that bring them an awe. Over a 191 million users that are within our range of Target Audience use their smart phone to be on apps. 

Production Choices, Content and how it engages with my Target Audience 

We knew from the start that we really wanted to engage our target audience with a deeper meaning in every way possible. As teenagers, there are always ups and downs in their life. The more downs and problems teenagers usually have is family issues, that include their parents involved. In our production it was necessary to include the real meaning of a struggling relationship between a father and a daughter. Since our target audience revolves around social media we wanted to give awareness to what might affect them the most. Social Media is often an escape from reality for our target audience to distract themselves with family issues. We want our target audience to realize that no matter what family is always there, and its not going to be perfect. This production will connect our target audiences to a sense of relationships between them and their parents. We chose father and daughter because we wanted the view of the male and female. The issue is kids generally describe their moms as more positive and less reactive. Kids generally feel they get in more trouble with their dads. Because kids have more contact with their moms, they know their moms better and rely on them for support. We wanted to show that tough relationship as well as the poor innocent little girl loosing her mom all in one as well. To make our audience really be cautious and understand that they are not the only ones dealing with parent issues. As well as parents who deal with a type of addiction, and in this case which is one that is most common is alcohol. We want the audience to take this in a very serious matter in order to really relate to the movie. Teens usually start to rebel at a young age when they don't have a good connection with their parents which cause them to have bad choices and end sometimes in a wrong path. Which is why we made it PG-13 since we want our younger audience to view that keeping a stable relationship between a kid and a parent is not always easy, and to not take the parents that are living for granted. 

How Do I plan to make my film available to the audience? 

I would start making my film local and start providing it to local film festivals, such as Hollywood International Film Festival, Key West Film Festival, and International Peace and Film Festival. Start off small then go on to bigger platforms such as Youtube, that can reach an even bigger audience. As well as create a website and have my film put on there too.  

💟Question #3: How Did Your Production Skills develop through out this project

I am going to begin talking about how my process evolved through out my production because that is the best way I can start this project. My process in the beginning was very bad actually. At first I had no idea what I was doing and was really scared about what to do for this production. As the time went by I actually started developing an idea that my teacher really helped me out on. She said to chose an idea that in a way relates to you. That is exactly what I thought about. In the beginning , after that I start enrolling the idea way more in depth. I knew exactly the purpose of the production to who I wanted to use as my actors. I started becoming more organized started finding out the mis-en-scene to use, to where the setting of the production was going to place. I began doing a story board, and even before i started doing photo shoots to have more ideas on how to advance my production. Every week I had progressed tremendously but capturing every little detail I needed to make this a great success. Even though I had my ideas and I had exactly every tool I needed in order to deliver the message across, it was not an easy process. It evolved a lot because my partner and I had to think of many solutions to fix little problems here and there. I started deciding on the props to use in order to make this a great success. It started as this tiny idea with not so much thought, to this rand introduction that will capture the attention of my target audience. 

How I began with Research and Planning 

I first started by researching genre. What Genre I wanted to do and which really captures the essence of Cinema in this very moment. I wanted a genre that was popular enough for my audience to go and watch the film. As I started researching I found out that the top two in this very moment were action and drama. I then went to do research on the target Audience, by looking at statistics on which gender and what age group viewed Genre the most.After many resources that I found, it looked like the most who viewed the Genre Drama was females. Since I already had my idea on the film i knew what age division I wanted which would be thirteen to twenty five. But I needed to find a specific reason on why I chose these ages. So I did even more research to see what my target audience was most interested in seeing in Drama films. What certain qualities or attributes would make them engage in my film. After even more researching I found out that this age division relies on looking at Drama films with family relationships, usually involving parents. Then I started doing even more research on my how characters should look like and act. I discovered that the audience usually has a soft spot for kids involved. Especially little girls. To get the full reaction I wanted, I then did research on how my little girl should look like to capture the essence of innocence and purity. I looked at many movie examples that would relate to my idea and found out that each little girl in every film had something in common. Either the little girls had light hair, and light eyes, or dark hair and light eyes. Thats the route I wanted to go to. I also did research on how the father should look like, to get the drama feeling. I also did research on why I should have a parent with addiction, and found a lot of information on that. I started planning by meeting up with the cast and doing photo shoots with them Seeing what works and what does not. Then I started doing the story board, and making the script. As well as looking up the costumes, buying the necessary cloths in order for the little girl to fit the look. I then looked at props and came up with the idea of the scrap book. 

My Approach to the production ❤

My approach to this production was very simple. To get the message across about how sometimes family relationships are not always easy to keep them stable and healthy. My approach also involved me getting ready to deal with many failures but to keep trying again and again until I found a solution. My approach involved a lot of organization and discipline, especially because this is a huge step not just for my curriculum but my life in general. There were many changes to the production. More to because the virus COVID-19 ruined a lot of things and in which postponed many MANY and I mean many things about the project. In the beginning we had a schedule on what to do and how to end the project on a good note. We were to be done with filming by the very beginning of March and edit by March tenth which would has left us with starting our CCR by March 16th. Giving us a lot of time to then end up fixing any last minute mistakes we would have. We unfortunately could not get that done because the virus was getting so bad that we all had to stay in quarantine and could not even get out of the house for a second. Which we had to postpone filming to the very end and we just finished. Now we are going through the CCR thanking God being completely honest to extend the due date giving us even more time until April 12th. So yeah the whole filming situation was a huge struggle. I also could not be physically there with my partner and be together to edit and talk about anything we wanted to fix so that was a struggle too. But yet again thank God for technology that is provided to us. We adapted to the sudden changes of constantly having to film later than expected but we got the job done by diving the filming. In the sense of Ana having to guide me through face time while I was filming seeing if she agreed with all the shots and the costuming. It was very frustrating but a great learning experience. 


In the beginning I started with the idea that was small but eventually got way bigger than expected. I started off being really stressed and nervous because this was a huge change for me. I actually felt like a real director making a whole movie with the time limit of only having a month to do it for. I started having really little hope, and being scared that I would mess up a lot and have to change my idea over and over again, because I would second guess myself and not think the idea would be good enough to introduce out in the world. I started by having little ideas here and there, that then came into this full on story that seemed to work perfectly fine. I started alone working on this project and in about the second week when the project was introduced, I had the great opportunity to work with my senior partner one last time. At the end I am more confident in my choices and I have hope to not give up, that can life can throw anything it wants to me and I will not be afraid, I will handle the situation like a big girl and solve it like the adult that I am. As chessy as it sounds in the beginning I felt like a little kid but came out growing to be an adult. This is a whole process that I did not think I was gonna do well in the beginning. I think I grew out of this and now because of this will be ready for any other challenge that is thrown at me . A project that really helped me with this one was the Music Campaign as it prepared me to be organized and start from scratch. I had to create an artist from scratch with the genre, the song, target audience, etc. It really prepared me to always have second options just in case the first one does not work out. It helped me with time management and to not procrastinate. From the marketing campaign to even making a hole music video. That project prepared me to think outside the box and have this new production my portfolio project  a lot easier. 




We Have Finished The Whole Production Of "Love Me"👏👏👏

Yes, we are so excited to announce that we are completely done with the whole production. Yesterday March 29th was an amazing day for my partner Ana and I. We have finished editing the introduction, put all the credits that we needed to, put the music in, and have a whole two minutes and fifteen seconds of our production. AHHHH this is amazing due to the current situation many students are feeling in the area like i said in my last blog post. Ana and I have gone through a lot of ups and downs within this project, with time, postponing a lot of things that ended giving both my partner and I a lot of stress.  To be able to say in this post that we finished brings tears in my eyes. 

So are there any changes that we made in the final cut? 

To answer that question, yes. We only made two changes. One of them I kept talking about which was the back up plan of using the royalty free music on youtube. All we had to do was credit them in the film and that is it. We did not unfortunately get permission from any of our artists but the song we chose is beautiful and delivers our message across perfect. Other than that we also changed the font because we wanted to make our production more legit so we decided to chose a white bold font. Which sets the tone perfect. 

Here is a nice clip on the ending of our production with a message from me and your favorite actress ever!!

💛So what is next in the process of our FINAL project 💛

For the next couple of blogs I will be answering the rest of the questions for my CCR and film the activities that my lovely dog I mean assistant will be answering and going on camera for me and finally FINISH this pain in my.. I mean finish this lovely project. 


and now, for the beginning our our show.... answering question 1

Question #1 : How Does Your Product Use Or Challenge Conventions And How Does It Represent Social Groups Or Issues? 

Starting off this question by talking about genre conventions. Media Genres usually appear within a medium. A genre can be recognized by its distinguished features. These conventions include themes, setting, characters, plot lines, narrative structure, mood, props or significant objects. 

I chose to not challenge any genre conventions, for multiple reasons. The top drama films that have ever created usually contain the same idea of plots, shown in many different ways. 

The GodFather (1972) 

One of the best films in the industry of cinema is The Godfather. Mainly about keeping a healthy relationship between him and his wife.  The drama on him over coming obstacles as well as one of the main focus of his relationship. Receiving over 98% rating from one of the toughest critiques out there in the business. Genuinely, what made this such a good film was the fact that it relied on how he was at the main focus which is family. Family in every drama film is the key to a great production. Anything that has to deal with tough relationships between family members, will be set for a great Drama production. 

Roma (2018)

Another great film that revolves around family relationships is ROMA. This film is hands down a film that will always be remembered.  Not really challenging the genre conventions of Drama, Roma primarily focuses again on family relationships and how to over come them. Hence why it received a lot of profit and won many awards. 

Why did I not change the genre Conventions ? 

Drama films mainly revolve around usually relationships. In many of drama films the introduction is  always fulfilled with a depressing back ground story that sets the tone for the film. Or, the sad story comes in usually within the plot. Challenging the conventions was a risk I did not want to take because I wanted to create a typical Drama story that has different plots here and there. Challenging the conventions would have also lead to maybe delivering the message wrongly. Which was a HUGE risk that me and my partner, Ana could not be able to afford to make. We would have rather played it safe with the mood of sadness, the props that contrast the difference between our two characters to really represent the typical Drama conventions. In every Drama film there is always darkness but there is always light some where along the way. Wether it is with the characters or the plot line itself. Since it is a very serious project we decided to have rather get our message across then to mess with drama genre conventions that could have changed the whole tone of the movie. We chose not to challenge theme, mood, characters, and plot lines. We decided changing it would not really give the essence of our film. 

Representation in our production in the INTRODUCTION 

Our introduction of the production, "Love Me" relies heavily on representation. It relies on the typical Drama theme plot, where you have the sweet and innocent little girl filled with brightness and purity getting taken care of your typical mean, alcoholic father who is mourning about his wife's loss. Our little nine year old as character (Avaley) is a typical sweet girl that revolves around the color pink with stuffed animals that are all white.  We even hired our typical representation of a little girl that represents innocence. Typical blond girl with light eyes. We casted a little girl because audiences who view Drama films tend to have a soft side for little girls. As for our other protagonist (Damian) we have a typical representation of an alcoholic dad with tattoos, built up, very muscular with dark hair and dark eyes. Representing the tough side of a tough male. 


The moment you have been waiting for.


Now, I know what you are thinking Cambridge, you may be asking why I am doing my CCR so late when this project was suppose to be literally done by this week. As well as this blog post should be talking about me finishing my CCR. I know that this is a very weird and scary time for all of us at the moment, but my partner as well as every other student in the Aice program is doing the bets they can. The whole point of my CCR is to deliver the answers to the questions my teacher has provided with a very creative demonstration. Now, here is my idea on how to conquer the perfect CCR.

Meet TINKER BELL, my assistant who will deliver the most funniest yet cutest CCR

Yes, this is my brilliant idea on how I will deliver the most creative and funny CCR this program has ever seen. While delivering the answer to each question, my assistant Tinker bell will do some fun activities while conveying the message obviously in her tone of voice. I trust that my assistant will do a fine job on this, as well as entertain the viewers. 


I have so many fantastic ideas that will deliver the message perfectly. I will have her getting her nails done, as well as taking in a nice soak in the sun, meditating, getting outfits put on her, as well as many more fun stuff. I will give you an over view on the life of Tinker bell in the most fun yet most spoiled ways a dog can be doing through out the day. I will use a high pitch auto tune to replace my voice and make it more realistic as if my assistant would really be the one talking. Because this not "Beverly Hills of Chihuahua" and dogs do not really talk in real life. I will include funny footage like this. 

While Tinker bell will be doing all these fun activities, she will answer the questions in depth about her amazing owners journey of this stressful yet fun project she was able to do. Even if there was a huge world wide pandemic going on, SHE AND HER PARTNER DID IT!

How and when will I answer the questions 

Tomorrow March 31st blog is where I will start doing a whole blog post about answering the first question. It probably will take up to two blog posts in answering each question. When I answer each question, I will start filming Tinker bell in all her daily dose of activities on how to answer the questions. I should be done doing the research and answering by April 5th. In that way I can film and edit the CCR video all in one day. 

What About Our Love Me introduction ?

We will hopefully have this edited all by tonight and all we would have to do is, put in the font and add the music. We filmed more footage then we needed to, so everything is good. Trust the process and complete it is the goal. Even though we are going through a world wide pandemic. ;)


We are finally done with...FILMING now on to editing


Today March 26th, I have completed filming the introduction of the production "Love Me". I know I promised that I would talk about in my next blog about the CCR but things have been way to hectic. Get this, my whole city was on mandatory lock down, but I knew I still needed to film for this project. To complete it in every way possible, I came back to set and finally finished filming everything. Which means that tomorrow March 27th my partner and I will edit our film introduction. AHH this is so exciting to finally talk about. 

Here is a little update that I did when we finally finished filming. 

We are obviously really blessed to have our production to be filmed inside and not outside in these scary times in the world. It is honestly such a blessing and we really admire all the students that are doing this project that have come so far, having to restart the whole thing in less than two weeks left of this long journey. 


We finished filming the very first half of our film because over two weeks ago we filmed the second half. We had a lot of ups and downs because our actors are moving to Texas this week. So we knew no matter what we had to finish our filming as fast as we could. We also knew Corona was NOT going to ruin this for us. 

Enjoy this mood that both my partner and I are currently feeling after finishing filming 


Sunday blues

Dear Corona, I literally despise you right now

We have another set back WOHOO, Im so happy that Corona is literally ruining everything right now. So guess what, the manager of my protagonist is not allowing anyone to come in her house because of the virus. SO WHAT DOES THAT MEAN oh right... I could not film AGAIN. Like I said though, thank God that my partner and I discussed on filming extra shots if anything would happen. We have the two minutes and everything, but now it looks like my partner can not have any company over either. So we are going to schedule an appointment on when we can face time to edit our production because that is what it has lead to at this point. 

CCR ??

Yes, I know I promised I would make an update on my decision with my CCR but i really needed to have a blog post about how much CORONA is not only ruining things for me but as well as other students all around the globe. So this week is when I will have my idea on how to answer the questions and do it in a very creative way, that will make you laugh...hopefully 

NO RESPONSE from any of our artists 

In other sad and depressing news, Walt Disney Records as well as Columbia records did not respond to have permission to use their song. What a disappointment if I am being honest. So we have to go with our plan B which our royalty free music. 


The only thing left is to edit and most important our CCR. WOHO which is literally the most important part of the project but you know. We are going with plan B in a lot of things. One of them is to use the extra footage that we have and use that for our opening film. 

For now please enjoy my Sunday Blues mood 


This virus is ruining everything part 2

Corona Corona CORONA i hate you.

Thank God we over filmed many shots that we did not need, so if anything worst case scenario we have the two minutes that we need to still make this production a great success. 

Wait we have a PLAN B

My partner and I are always prepared with any worst case scenario. So for this reason, when the Corona Virus started to become an issue in the beginning of March my partner and i decided to make the second half of our production so we can have extra footage in case anything does not work out. We decided to make the shots longer and have extra movements we did not have in our storyboard. With the footage we have already we have over three minutes in production. If the rest of the filming is not possible, we can start with the second half which is Avaley Grace waking up and picking up the scrap book. We also have the credits in which will occupy us more time in the introduction believe it or not 

Now that I remember we have a plan B, this is my mood ! 

What about our music 

We have our royalty free music that we found on YouTube that can still give our opening a great feeling that will still make the audience cry. It will be instrumental and the person who composed it said we do not need to ask for permission all we need to do is credit the music in our project which is great !


We have a WORLD WIDE problem

We have a new date, for when we will be filming the rest of our introduction 

So unfortunately, there is a world wide pandemic that is affecting my project. Yes I know there have been a lot of ups and downs during this project. There is a virus going on known as the Coronavirus that is affecting not just my country but the whole word. Which unfortunately, has once again moved our filming date to Sunday March 22nd and if needed we will push it to March 23rd. We will have our full filming done by these dates. 

Our Editing process 

We will have to reunite with Ana on March 24th because of schedule conflicting and because of social distancing. We will have FOR SURE our film introduction finished and edited by March 24th. 


There are a lot of things being pushed back, so For the CCR I will start having ideas and talk about that on my next blog post. On March 23rd. 

But for now enjoy this funny mood from actor that I am currently feeling right now!!

We had a meeting with my teacher online and it made me feel much better 

My Aice Media Studies teacher gave us many updates on the whole situation with the project and she gave us new ideas in order to fix any of them if we needed to. Luckily, we are half way through our production and we already have our font, half of our filming done, our script, story board. The only thing we need to have a whole week to develop is my CCR and the music that we will have as our back up.


ALMOST DONE FILMING .. and we have bloopers


We are almost done filming,  Today we filmed all the parts with Damian, and they came out insanely good. Im talking about these actors can literally go to hollywood and get hired. The filming of the production today was the second half of our introduction. We also have some very funny bloopers that I will insert here. Just for a quick recap Damian in the second half is screaming at Avaley and the relationship between the father and daughter relationship. 

Here is our finished scrap book 

The pictures match the script perfectly and the idea because it shows the lovely couple being in love while being pregnant with Avaley. Which has the emotional touch that we are going for in this film. 


This Wednesday March 18th , my amazing partner Ana and I will meet to end the production with full editing with our fonts and credits. Then that same day we will plan our CCR and help each other out if needed. Tuesday March 17th We will end filming and finish "Love Me" intro. 


We got our font, and the rest of our script.. WERE UN STOP ABLE

Here is the rest of our script

So since yesterdays topic was about our target audience, I completely forgot to put the rest of our script on my blog. Damian is screaming at poor little Avaley telling her to get ready for school. Avaley than gets ready for school in fear of her father yelling at her again.  The  rest of the script is Damian going up the stairs and finding the scrapbook hidden in Avaleys room. 

Font Font Font... We have our idea  

We have the idea for our font and it is actually perfect for our story plot line. When we are going through the credits, we are going to introduce two different fonts with two different colors. So to grasp the idea of Avaley, we are going to get a pretty girl font with the color pink. For other credits we will but a black bold font to represent Damian. To foreshadow the difference between both of our characters. 


I cant believe I forgot to talk about our....TARGET AUDIENCE

Our Age Range 

Our age range is between the ages from thirteen to twenty five. We wanted to make it this way because in our film we will have some explicit language that we do not want our younger audience in the industry to be exposed to. We started it from thirteen because that is when usually kids start to be more aware of their surroundings and can handle things like death, cussing and other events a little more seriously. We stopped at the age of twenty five because we notice that in drama films over the years, older audiences from the age thirty and up tend to lean to other different types of genres. We want to expose to our pre mature and mature audience to our film that shows the relationship between the father and the daughter. In the age range we chose, the audience is still attached to their parents as they are starting to grow up and experience the world by themselves. As in the older audience knows how to live on their own, and do not  rely on the connection they have with their parents as much. 

Soo.. Female or Male ?

We are actually leaning more into female then male obviously. The reason why is because since, the relationship is between a father and a daughter, a male can not really relate to the film. We also are leaning into more female because, females tend to watch a lot of drama films more then males do. In a recent study it has been seen that over eighty nine percent of females watch drama more than any other genre. While over ninety percent of males watch action. The female target audience will have a more connection to the movie because the relationships between a father and daughter, is way different from the relationship between a father and a son. 

How did we pick our target audience ?

Picking our target audience was not an easy task, I can tell you that. In order to pick our target audience, Ana and I really had to dig deep and have the whole production figured out, with the purpose to chose the right target audience. Since our movie has a deep ending with a positive outcome we decided to start our age range young. Then when we decided to put more emphasis and add cussing, and talks about death, with aggression and abusiveness involved we decided to make it PG13. We want to expose our younger audience to what some families have to go through, but with a positive outcome. We decided on ending it at the age of twenty five because of the reasoning that the older audience will not be intrigues as much. 


Okay now we are OFFICALLY on track

The Story Board is Complete 

We now have the official story board of "Love Me". Filled with the introduction of our character Avaley Grace, the mis-en-scene of the contrast between how clean and pure Avaley. Versus her father which is a complete wreck after the death of his wife, Scarlet. We added new clips of her doing activities but constantly having a hold of the scrap book. At the very end before she gets ready for school, she will open the scrap book and the audience will see why it is so important to her . 

Here is a sneak peak of our script with the FULL STORY for our opening film !!

Our script has now have been made with some official changes. We are deciding to put one last thing, but this is everything we have for now. Our story has multiple changes now. Yes, I know we literally change it every week. I promise this is the last time.  Anyways, our story will begin with Avaley waking up from her bed going to her scrap book. The transitioning from the bed to different scenarios obviously with different costume changes, doing new activities, but always having the scrapbook with her but it will be closed. Then, the last transition is her waking up, finally opening up the scrapbook, so the audience can see the connection on what is inside. Showing all the pictures of the mother (Scarlet) and the dad (Damian.) At the end Damian will scream Avaley's name and she will hurry down stairs, there will be dialogue , Avaley will go upstairs and get ready then leave for school. Last, Damian will go upstairs find teh scrapbook that Avaley has been hiding and end it right then and there. That is the part my partner and I will add tonight and post it for tomorrows blog on March 11th. 

Oh, by the way were changing it back to Damian! 

After further consideration, Ana and I have decided that Damian really shows a much more tough and aggressive personality than Jacob does. Damian sounds more intimidating and grabs the look much better of our father image that we want to portray. SOOO, please ladies and gentlemen welcome back Damian to the squad. 


I am going to cry... for MANY reasons

We started filming 

This weekend from March 6th - 8th we started filming our production "Love Me" Even though this is our rough draft we started getting some clips and tomorrow March 9th,  we will start editing and seeing what looks good and what does not. We decided to get an introduction clip of Avaley, but we will not spoil to much, because we do not want to give it away yet. 

 These shots were captured in order to really get the moment of introducing our young character including all the mis-en-scene of how Avaley truly is. My partner and I are still talking it over if we want to leave this here, or have something else for the introduction to introduce our credits. We are not done filming this is just the beginning.

The script is done!! 

The script is obviously finished since we started filming this weekend, but like I said we are not done filming. We are filming shots here and there to have enough footage to capture the essence of our film. We will post a picture of the scrip this week!! Stay tuned