
This virus is ruining everything part 2

Corona Corona CORONA i hate you.

Thank God we over filmed many shots that we did not need, so if anything worst case scenario we have the two minutes that we need to still make this production a great success. 

Wait we have a PLAN B

My partner and I are always prepared with any worst case scenario. So for this reason, when the Corona Virus started to become an issue in the beginning of March my partner and i decided to make the second half of our production so we can have extra footage in case anything does not work out. We decided to make the shots longer and have extra movements we did not have in our storyboard. With the footage we have already we have over three minutes in production. If the rest of the filming is not possible, we can start with the second half which is Avaley Grace waking up and picking up the scrap book. We also have the credits in which will occupy us more time in the introduction believe it or not 

Now that I remember we have a plan B, this is my mood ! 

What about our music 

We have our royalty free music that we found on YouTube that can still give our opening a great feeling that will still make the audience cry. It will be instrumental and the person who composed it said we do not need to ask for permission all we need to do is credit the music in our project which is great !

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