❤ ❤ Target Audience ❤ ❤
We are now going to answer the second question of the Critical Reflection! Here is a disclaimer, I am obviously going to put more information when it comes to the essay, but this all of this that I am going to put are just simple information that will help evolve my essay much more quicker. LETS GET INTO IT!
Question 2: How do the products engage with the audience
So, this is part of the question where I will talk about my target audience, the age range, their hobbies, why this movie would attract them, and why I picked the way my target audience is in general. I am mainly targeting females from the ages of 13-21 with a regular socioeconomic level, nothing special to it. I chose elements that will help the target audience relate to Ocean in many aspects.
The whole target audience can relate to the fact of going to school, knowing how difficult classes and home work can be which is why I put the age range to 13-21. It's the perfect time to show that in that moment school is important because it will dictate what your future will be. I also decided to have events like her waking up in a none pretty perfect way. So my target audience which is Generation Z, can also relate to that when they wake up it is not always a pretty view.

These posts are going to help a lot because again it will make me answer these questions much more efficient.
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