
Target audience


With help of my Aice Media studies teacher, I realized that target audience Im going to have for this movie is Generation Z. To make it smaller I am going to target teenagers and young adults from the ages of 13 to twenty. The reason is because my character is someone both male and female can relate to, it is a modern twist film with an idea that is more of a fantasy but also comes down to it being adventurous. 

Poster ideas... 💠💠

With the idea and the advantage I have that the character has ocean eyes, I am going to use that in the poster and blend it with the ocean in some type of way. I am going to use her eyes a lot because of the story they tell. 




Today my class and I had a group discussion, on all our projects! Let me tell you it was a big help! There were so many ideas that my classmates gave me that is going to help a whole bunch. 

To start off one of my classmates gave me the idea to research a similar movie that has a similar plot

This movie even though it is cartoon, it will give me a lot of ideas to elaborate on my main character because my classmate said that Oceans past is very similar to Barbie in the movie. 

Other ideas given to me🌀

Buying a mermaid tail !!

Another classmate told me that it was a good idea to buy a mermaid tail from Amazon and return back after I am done with this project. She also gave me some ideas on what Mermaid tail I would get . 

These are very inexpensive mermaid tails that I could easily use that only cost $29.99 . My classmate said that this would help the element of surprise with the target audience. 

Filming ideas my classmates gave me! 

- With a go pro or an under water case film the ocean to get nice shots of the water 
- Film in her studying her major, drawing ocean animals or sea shells 
- Film scenes about her constantly at the beach shots of her swimming 

Over all, the meeting was super helpful and gave me a lot of ideas to incorporate in my trailer.


 Time to meet Ocean ☺

Meet Ocean! She is a soon to be twenty year old in college who is in her second year of college. Ocean loves to draw, she is a Marine Bio Major, she is a lot more introverted than she is extroverted. Ocean connects with nature very easily, she is very open minded, and has a very artistic views on things. Her name is Ocean because she was born with these beautiful blue eyes that represent the sea perfectly. 

Acquiring the secret Journal 

Now since we have the prop of the pearl necklace it is my turn to acquire the secret journal that Ocean's mom left her. 

These are the examples that I want to have in order to have the right idea of an ocean type of journal. I like the first two because they are vintage and give a type of feeling of an adventure journalist which helps signify how the mother is. I am going to lean in with the last one because it describes the ocean perfectly. Has a perfect color and tone to it which will give the over all mood of the trailer/movie. 


We have the plot 🦋💙

Yesterday I had a meeting with my Aice Media Studies teacher about the whole movie. Glad to say she loved the idea. Now it is your turn to have the whole information about it as well!! It’s about a young girl named Ocean who attends college and it’s her second year there. Ocean’s mom was a sailor and on her very last night of seeing Ocean she gave her a pearl necklace as a remembrance that she will always be with her. Ocean’s father is never around, left right after Oceans mom died in a terrible storm while sailing. Ocean is connected to the sea in some way so each night she has a dream that the beach is calling her. It’s a significance because on her 20th birthday she will know the real truth. She is a ....... MERMAID 

Filming Schedule 

I have already come up with  the filming schedule for the project !!! 

February 26th- 28th : Start filming anything about the ocean, the sand, the sky, seashells 

March 12th- 14th : Film my sister doing daily college activities, attending class online, being in her dorm, going to the cafeteria 

March 20th-21 : Film my sister on the beach, spending time there. As well as filming her having the constant dream of her and the ocean. 

Acquiring the Pear Necklace 🤍

Since being in Naples, I knew I had to acquire my prop right hRn and there. Before I did I looked at many examples that really stood out to me. I looked at couple of movies to find examples to give me the right design. 

I looked at examples like these but they were not really a match because it looks to cliche and it reminded me too much of what the Little Mermaid would wear. 
This was starting to get on the right path but it is not something that is modern and targets Generation Z. It is more of a necklace an elder Mermaid would wear and not what a young college student would wear. 

This is exactly the one I like beachside it shows modern characteristics, very beach’s, and something that a young girl could wear on a daily basis, without it seeming more.

And the final product that I chose was....

It is a perfect combination of being an ocean type of girl that will attract my target audience, and it is simple and elegant.


Okay so, I have some ideas...💭
Sorry I have not said anything sooner but today I went to the beach and started getting a lot of inspirations for my film. So while I was walking on the sand I decided to dedicate my film about the ocean. My main character also has to resemble how the beach is in some sort of way. The protagonist is also gonna have some sort of I want my movie/trailer to be about a girl in the age of her teens to have deep feeling about the ocean and how it makes her feel so, I started digging a little deeper looking at some examples. 
Movie Examples 
- Aquamarine (2006) / Fantasy Film
- Aqua man (2018) / Action Adventure 
- Percy Jackson & The Olympian lightning thief  (2010) / Fantasy and Adventure 
-  Soul Surfer (2011) / Sport/ Drama 
Why these movies ? 
In each movie, the protagonist is holding a deep connecting with the ocean. In Percy Jackson he always knew he had some connection with the ocean but never knew what it was, till he found out he was the son of Poseidon.  Same thing with the movie Aquamarine, the protagonist was a mermaid, who her connection is so deep that she wanted others to see the love and he mysteries of the ocean. Soul Surfer, the protagonist Bethany ever since she was little found comfort and leave with surfing and the ocean itself. 
Who is going to be the main character ? 
So with further consideration , I am most likely going to make my sister the protagonist of the film , because she resembles the ideal look of my character which is tan, light hair, with blue green eyes. She is also going to be the main character because she is easy to depend on, and if not my mom will yell at her if she does not do it.  

That is it for my movie ideas because I had no clue what I was going to do so, this is going to be the most ideal plan of what my trailers are going to be about . THANK YOU AND SEE YOU NEXT WEEK!!



Yes, it is me again! It has been a wild crazy hectic senior year. It was like if it were yesterday and  I was submitting my first ever project to Cambridge. Well I am back and better than ever! Last year my project was a lot different and I had to do a short introduction to a very sad film. (BTW big shout out to my cousin for acting in the movie for me) Anyways this year I had the option to chose between a couple of options and I made my final decision.. are you ready for it? The project I chose and will take you along with me is the......


Now don't get too excited, because there is a little bit of a set back. I may or may not have no idea what I am going to do for this trailer yet. Give me a break though! I have had it rough! Now since you are all aware a pandemic hit us very very and I mean VERY hard last year. I HAVE NO SENIOR YEAR! I have not gone and experienced anything that I should be experiencing. I also have Senioritis.. but that is besides the point. In this project I am working alone! The reason is because when I work with other people I just feel stressed. Now I do have a couple of ideas for the film so hear me out and find out on my NEXT blog post. Now, are you ready for this emotional ride again? Get ready because there are probably going to be a lot of mental break downs.