
Okay, so we really out here taking care of every little detail

Our Props that will make you tear up.. hopefully😛 

- Our scrap book 
In order to get our full impact, we are starting off the video with a scrapbook full of memories. Filled with many pictures of our lovely parents, Damian and Scarlet when they were madly in love. The scrap book will contain the happiest of memories the couple had before unfortunately, died giving birth to Avaley Grace. We intend to include pictures that have some of the following 

We are using examples like this to really capture the essence of  our happy couple including pictures of our mother (Scarlet) being pregnant with Avaley., Showing the relationship being bulled up on how excited Scarlet was to be a mother. We intend to capture the most romantic sweetest picture of the couple so our audience can really tell that our couple was madly in love. 

Shoes and dresses from Aavaley 
Ana and I have discus  that our opening film will take place in Aavaley's room to show Avaleys personality and innocence. So our audience knows that this is taking place in a little girls room. In order to show that we will include shoes and dresses like this. 

Night stand with a picture frame of Scarlet
For this last prop we will acquire it on February 29th , and we will show pictures of having it. It will capture the drama essence of how the story is not happy at all, and you can tell from the very beginning that something was wrong. 

Were adding something in our Schedule

So I have decided that I will do my CCR on the date of March 13th. The earlier I do it, the better it will turn out with having no stress, and I can add on anything that I am missing. 


Part one of our Story Board is to introduce our character, to show she is a young little girl filled with colors like pink, purple, and white to demonstrate purity and calmness, showing our character is filled with noting but innocence. 


No flex, but we really grinding on this

↝So there are a lot of KEY factors that we discussed and are                                                really analyzing.↜


After a long, and I mean a long discussion on what we will be naming our film, we found this the best fit. Since our Movie plot line is based off of a little girl who is not loved by her father in any sense. We will call our film "Love Me" This title will grab the attention of our target audience which fits in perfect for our genre. The title automatically will give the sense that our film is a drama based film, with a title that will have a very huge impact. It describes our story in every kind of way, already making the viewer feel some type of way when seeing our title. 

We are emailing the owner of our chosen song!

The picture above, is how I am feeling hoping we can get the approval of our song very very soon!

Today, February 26th, we have emailed Walt Disney Records to let us use the song "Butterfly Fly Away" The picture below is the exact email that I used with the same template in order to make our project a huge success. 

Our back up songs just in case !!

We discovered that in order to get permission to use this amazing song that will make our movie a great hit, it will take a little while in order to get the permission. So just in case that happens, here are the following songs that we will use as back up, just in case Butterfly Fly Away does not work. 

"Daughters by John Mayer "
"Daddy's Little Girl" by Michael Buble
"Father and Daughter" by Paul Simon 

We will be emailing them from February 28-30th just to have everything in order and we do not procrastinate with absolutely anything. 


We found our little blond girl

⇎So we found our cute little money maker.. I mean ACTRESS!⇎

Today we have made the decision of finding our little prodigy. Meet Nyah Rose Myer a local citizen with exact age range in which we were looking for. She fit all of our descriptions, blond hair and green eyes. She sent us her tape, and it will make you cry. We have given her the schedule on when she will be shooting with us. 

When my partner and I saw the tape, we knew instantly that this little girl would make an outstanding actress and tell the moral of our beloved and heart breaking story.  We have also  made many arrangements, to find our male lead in this production. Here is our following schedule.   

Schedule from here on out : 

February 25th-28th : Finding our male lead 
February 24th: Making our story board, emailing owner of "Butterfly Fly Away"  
March 3rd-8th : Filming our opening scene 
March 9th : Editing 

We are going to grind grind grind ladies and gentlemen until this is perfected!


WE HAVE A STORY, be ready to shed nothing but tears

The brain storming has begun!

Now, with the help of my incredible partner (Ana), we have come along with multiple drama movies that inspired us to come up with the perfect story. We leaned in, with a similar plot to "My Girl" but with a HUGE and I mean HUGE plot twist. Our story will consist of a young little girl who does not have her mother by her side, because unfortunately she died while giving birth to her. Our protagonist will have her father with an interesting relationship. No, not the kind of relationship where it is in happy movies where the dad loves his little girl. Our story is the complete opposite. To add some more drama into our soup. The father, every time he looks at his little girl it reminds him of his wife. In his mind he believes the child is to blame for the death of the love of his life. 

How do we want our character to look like ? 

As we decided to do a lot of research, we noticed that in most movies that are filled with drama, it always includes a blind little girl with light eyes. We are looking for a girl that is abut seven to ten years old that can give out an incredible performance. With a height of mostly 4'9 and the best personality for the film. We want our actress to deliver the pain and sadness just by a certain look. We need our character to have light eyes, as we have searched up that light eyes provide a sense of innocence and purity. Which is exactly what we want our protagonist to portray. 


We have made a poster in which we will search for our actress this following weekend. We will be sending this flyer to any relatives, friends, classmates, or acquaintances in which have a sibling, daughter, or friend who fits the role of our character . We will have our decision by the end of February 23rd at exactly 2:00 pm. 


So I am no longer alone.. DUN DUN DUN

I have hired an employee to join my journey !

So here is the thing, today I have just found out that I no longer need to be alone in this. I have decided to be bold and basically add another mind in the game. That's right ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present my new employee Ana Larez. See Ana and I go way back. We have worked together in the past and through many and i mean MANY multiple mental break downs, we always get the job done very well. As I am documenting this process I believe it is very important for me to share this process with you.

What we have decided on... 

We have narrowed down our decision to stick with the genre of Drama. Before Ana and I were going to work together, Ana thought we should stick to the one thing that makes people cry the most... KIDS! We all know that if there is a kid,pets,or illness involved we all start sobbing. Ana and I decided to do some research on which movies that involve kids will really capture the escence of our opening film. Here are some examples that capture what we want.

Now, we chose the example "My Girl" for many reasons. We loved the story plot on how Veda, (the main character) only grew up with her father because her mother died while giving birth to her.  Already giving the sense of drama as a young little girl realizes how bad she really needs her mom as she is growing up. Our story will revolve around the same plot line but with a slight twist. One that is not used often.


Aice Media Portfolio Project Week 1

      ↬Examples of Film Openings in the Genre of Drama ↫

                                                  Example 1: "My Sisters Keeper"
 In the beginning of the movie, the protagonist is introduced following the major problem. In the first two minutes, the story develops as the protagonist explains that the only reason she was born was to help save her sister from cancer killing her. This explains the drama genre perfectly by having an emotional rational development. 

                                                    Example 2: "Finding Nemo"

The intro of this phenomenal film introduces a father who unfortunately lost his wife and all of his new born children by a bigger fish in the sea. Luckily, only one new born was able to stay alive but will have difficulties growing up because of the damaged fin it will have from the accident of almost getting killed. This opening scene included a dramatic theme following with a tragic incident of death.


 Example 3: "Seven Pounds"

The opening scene of this film, screams the genre Drama. Within the first twenty seconds of the film a phone call is being filmed with a young man dialing 911 to explain that he wants to kill himself. During the phone call the poor man, is constantly sobbing not knowing what to do. Drama is usually about realistic events, and unfortunately this is one that happens frequently. This opening scene involves a character going through an emotional struggle. 

Example 4: "Wonder" 
Wonder is a well known emotional film following a dramatic introduction. Introducing the protagonist named August, being born with a special condition, that makes his face not look like the rest of little boys and girls. aShowing hoe he was born and the struggles he will have to face with a deformed face. The opening scene follows a dramatic realistic event that makes the target audience feel aw. 

Example 5: "The Fault In Our Stars"
The Fault In Our Stars introduces Hazel Grace a young female with the obstacle of having cancer. The introduction already giving a depressing mood having the traits that make a drama film drama.  With the involvement of an interesting issues, the use of the right dialogue and monologue, and knowledge of the main issues,


Aice Media Portfolio Project Week 1

                                       đŸ’”↹Drama ↱💔

What is it about ?

Drama, the genre that makes everyone come out of the theatre most of the time hysterically crying and heart broken. This genre relies heavily on the emotional and relational development of realistic characters. Since Drama relies very heavily on these factors, it also depends on the dramatic theme coming with it. The dramatic themes usually are based off of intense real issues. In the world of film, television, and radio its purpose is intended to have a serious tone. Having a huge focus on development of realistic characters who have dealt with realistic, emotional struggles. In this genre, there are many things that makes a good drama. The involvement of an interesting issue, that grabs the target audiences attention. Having the right usage of dialogue, as well as monologue. There are usually ten elements to this genre. For starters it is the six Aristotelian elements of drama are plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle, and song. Drama can be defined as a dramatic work, that the actors present on stage. Through the characters that are involved the story has a message to give. Following with the last elements that are theme, plot, dialogue, and setting. 

Unlike a novel or an epic poem, drama brings a story or event to life in a way that its audience can literally see, rather than imagine in their minds. Thus, the word "theatre" has the word "see" at its root. Drama allows its audience not just to hear, but to see the story. A drama is a piece of writing, which is artistically presented with dialogues. A drama is attractive, impactful and real as it presents characters along with a natural and credible aspects. It is very similar to a short story as it also comprises characters, plot, setting as well as symbolism.Drama promotes communication skills, teamwork, dialogue, negotiation, socialization. It stimulates the imagination and creativity; it develops a better understanding of human behavior and empathy with situations that might seem distant.


Music Blog Post

Music Marketing Project

Genre : Alternative Rock 

A type of rock that was mostly an underground and under rated which did not become popular until the year of 1990's. This term is really to describe "alternative" was coined in the 1980s to describe punk rock-inspired bands on independent record labels that did not fit into the mainstream genres of the time.Though the genre is considered to be rock, some of its sub genres are influenced by folk music, reggae, electronic music and jazz among other genres. At times alternative rock has been used as a catch-all phrase for rock music from underground artists in the 1980s, all music descended from punk rock (including punk itself, New Wave, and post-punk), and, ironically, for rock music in general in the 1990s and 2000s.With the breakthrough of Nirvana and the popularity of the grunge and Britpop movements in the early 1990s, alternative rock entered the musical mainstream and many alternative bands became commercially successful. 

Marketing Strategies within my genre 

In our genre we noticed a variety of different marketing strategies that would help us promote our new upcoming artist. The well known band RadioHead would simply release the album on their own website. In this genre, websites are really popular and will get fans to be more interested with the performer. As well digital music marketing. Radio Head also instead of billboards, tv spots and radio ads, the band would simply release the album on its own website – for free. Those who ‘purchased’ the album were encouraged to pay what they wanted, or what they thought the product was worth, in the form of a donation. Releasing an album for free is a pretty low price to pay for intense loyalty, which in turn drives things like concert ticket sales and purchases of other merchandise.  Radiohead’s example and surprising potential customers with high-quality content that costs nothing more than filling out an online form, businesses can use content marketing as a tool that doesn’t just generate leads, but also builds intense brand loyalty.

How I chose to develop the brand of our artist/band 

Developing the brand of our new artist was very important to my partner and I. As we were making our research to discover what was the best fit, we entered into statistic to what would attract our target audience the most. Students aged between 14-21 would most likely listen to alternative rock due to the technical influences, or the modern day sub genres such as Brit pop or Indie Rock.We made our brand that would attract our target audience in a more deep level.Since the consumers want to listen to lyrics that they can relate to we wanted them to think of our artists as an escape from reality. In which they see his brand and they are entering into a new universe. So, our brand consisted of the letter H for his name (Hardin) that would surround them with angel wings with a crown on top. To give the energy and vibe to our consumers that we want them to rely on him and listen to his music and forget about their problems in reality. The angel wings define Hardin as an angel who will guide our consumers into escaping to a different universe and guarantee security within the songs that will be released from him. Giving that sense of rock and dominance we put a crown on top to represent the mean of what alternative rock really is in a more creative format. A simple yet complex name to give our target audience an easy way to remember him by and to automatically know that is Hardin's logo. 

Marketting Samples 

For our upcoming artist we decided to include Sweatshirts/hoodie , beanies, sweat pants and t shirts

What I learned about the Production 

I learned multiple things through out this whole process of marketing and creating a new music video for a brand new artist. I learned that the very first thing you should do is get really good background knowledge about the genre of the song, so the music video will attract the target audience. I also learned that exposure is a huge thing within creating the logo and the look for the artist is really important. In order to create a campaign you need to have a lot of research done with statistics to see what will fit the upcoming artist. Media Convergence is another big thing I learned within this project to see what social media platforms to use and why it will attract the target audience into boosting up the new upcoming artist. There is a lot of different attributes that goes into marketing that comes with a lot of background knowledge. As with the music video, I learned that the theme has to match the artists. To create a sensation of connection to express the artist in a new artistic way.

What I have previously learned about production, media representation, and creation 

I have learned in the past that production should be used as a marketing strategy. Using music videos markets a full album or song. Music video also develops a type of representation and gives the main purpose of exposure. I have learned that there are many types like Promotional, Story Telling, Artistic, and Combination. I learned that media presentation talks about genders and important events.  Media Representation represents reality or aspects of reality. Representation is impacted by the creator and ownership. As well as how its going to be viewed, and government "majority rule" Media Representation construction is the way production is put together through shot/angle choices, editing, audio, or content.