
Representation Analysis

H&M ad and Tide ad Representation !


 Media texts have the power to shape an audience's knowledge and understanding about these important topics.Media representations are the ways in which the media portrays particular groups, communities, experiences, ideas, or topics from a particular ideological or value perspective.
Representation has changed through out the years it always is based on what is trending at the moment. Representation in ethnicity can have many controversial messages from both sides. Some times ethnicity is portrayed in a very offensive manner or very true to the public. Sometimes gender like females are represented in a very seductive flirty type of way always showing off their body parts. While males are constantly dressed in suits showing off a business man type of attitude. Ages are also represented very differently from the rest. Usually when you have toddlers they are represented as small, constantly smiling playing with toys. While teens are represented as always rebellious and going wild at times. Representation can always be a good or bad thing in life but we representation is changing every day as we know it. 


If audiences view this representation ad they would be encountered with a diverse of cultures and not limited to any typical idea that sometimes society has.  This ad contains both genders which already intrigues both male and female. The audience will feel a sense of motivation on what to do when they no longer use cloths. Instead of throwing them away they could bring it in to H&M and have them recycle it. Making it a good cause to the environment. This ad helps audiences also feel inspired to have a different perspective with fashion. This ad lets anyone dress how they want too, showing that pink for example does not have to be a feminine color it could also be for males too.  This ad represents a lot of ethnicity not constantly limiting themselves to only whites like usual commercials do. This represents all ages showing that people are not limited to dress to only what society has them to dress up as just because they are a certain age. It demonstrates fashion in a whole new way, encouraging a new trend no matter where you come from or how old you are, or even what religion you have. This ad makes everyone come together and love fashion for how unique it is and how it can lead people to finding their style as well as themselves. 


This ad would make audiences have a different perspective on what girls usually wear or like. This ad mostly targets females more than males. This ad would make the audience feel in a way that a girl doesn't have to always be dressed up as the typical princess or, love to be playing with dolls and constantly loving the color pink. The audience would really be having different thoughts on what the typical female gender should look like or act. It opens the audience mind that little girls can also wear camouflage colors, or play with dinosaurs and bricks. There is no limitation to kids on what they say, do, or act anymore. The audience will feel impacted because all their lives they are so use to seeing girls play in a feminine type of way but now, they will be open to the fact that girls can also like the same things boys do. The female gender viewing this will feel some sort of power because there will be a sense of equality that finally the world is viewing them as equal to man and not limit them for the gender they are born with. 


Genre Research - Drama 



                        Genre Conventions - content❤    

A feature of the content that distinguishes the drama genre is life settings that portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature. Which connects the story, and tragic plot showing humans at their very best, words, and anything else that may be in between. This may be including problems with the protagonist of the film fulfilling unsatisfied events throughout causing a reaction of sadness with the audience viewing. 

EX: The tragic plot of a young girl falling in love with a toxic mentally abused male.In the film After 

Drama is a genre narrative fiction intended to have a more serious tone. The story usually takes place within the main characters life, in the sphere of their home. and focuses more on family, issues, love, and marriage. There are many challenges that go into a drama film from an outside source like, "temptress" or an aristocratic villain. Most modern films usually deal with romance and heart breaks. This genre depends on mostly on in depth- character development, interaction, and highly emotional themes. 

EX: When They See Us. Five young adolescents are charged with a crime they did not commit, and end up in jail for about seven years or more. Through out the film many obstacles are presented creating a depressed mood. 

The main reason why this genre is so popular is because the targeted audience is usually from the ages of (13-18). The drama genre can span a wide range due to it's content. It has a wider target audience transom genres such as teen movies, as it relates to a wider audience, due to the range of characters and varying plot lines. In this generation teens have more control and create the most viewings in this genre. More and more teens every day choose drama as a way to escape there every day lives. When young adults are feeling upset, they will mostly pick a movie that comes to the genre of drama. The gender that creates high ratings for this are usually females. Choosing a film based off of romance with a twist of a devastation  that can relate to their young lives.  The usual themes that relate to their lives are alcoholism , religious tolerance, sexuality, poverty, class division, put the characters with themselves, others, and society. Drama is the most broad of movie genres including subgenera's such romantic drama, sport films, period drama, courtroom drama and crime. 

EX: Mia, a young teen age girl who fell in love, but suffered a terrible accident and is now in coma fighting to stay alive. 

 Genre Conventions - Production Techniques❤       

The production techniques such as lighting, special effects and music are used to develop and shape understanding of atmosphere, characterism conflict, and theme. 

Visual language techniques such a acting, gesture, and use of props. The role, perception, manipulation, of the audience. Lighting is a key element in this. One method is to conceal the object being lit to create a dark overtone of the scene. The type of shots included would be close ups, extreme close ups, and many medium shots. Drama is only effective if the emotion is really being brought out. Low angle shots will give the character a sense of dominance or authority while high angle will do the opposite. Close-ups bring an emotion in the characters. The last dramatic effect is drawing out time. Slowing down time in the film, it gives the audience time to contemplate the emotions being shown. 

EX:  The costume, and make up design of 12 Years a Slave represents the emotional feeling to create that dramatic effect. 

EX: The set design of shows historical events and really captures the essence of what it was like to live an era where African Americans were forced into slavery. Showing a realistic setting capturing the genre of drama. 

Institutional conventions - how is genre marketed ❤

Since the genre's target audience includes young teenagers, the best way to grab their attention is through advertisements through social media, and coming out with trailers that shows the core plot but does not expose the whole movie. Having "big" stars that are usually attractive males and females help increase anticipation for the film. Leaving cliff hangers in trailer to show the emotional pain through out making the targeted audience want to be intrigued and discover more about the film and tv shows. There will also usually be pop up ads in tv channels, or through social media. Casting great leads that are well known in other successful films make viewers want to see more of that persons acting skills. Since the target audience is also entertained by music, having well known singers that are popular during the specific moment, have a song that is included in the film also markets the genre to be successful. 

EX: Casting Miley Cyrus, and Liam Hemsworth in the film the Last Song makes target audience want to view the movie. 

Thirteen Reasons Why 

The tv series Thirteen Reasons Why manifests the genre drama in multiple ways. The characters are always shown in realistic settings such as their high school, a coffee shop, or the comfort of each individuals home. 
Through out the series the protagonist experiences multiple problems with people usually her classmates. A constant emotional story on how a sixteen year old girl gets emotionally, psychologically, and physically abused to the point of killing her self. 
The series contains multiple close ups, showing the protagonist Hannah Baker crying and being mentally destroyed. In many episodes the lighting contrasts on the main character to in the beginning being full of light to dark lighting representing the harsh times the character is going through. 
The color contrast of the past and present differentiating how it was before and after she died. 
Not only is the plot tragic, but the very ending is as well. There is not one episode where there is a sense of content. It usually creates the tone of somber and serious. As well as having a mood of being tense and anxiousness.
When the character dies, she leaves thirteen tapes for thirteen people. Each one of those people contain a reason on why she died. The audience hears gruesome details and horrifying images on how she lived her high school days in Liberty High. 
This series captures the target audience because the series talks about problems that teenagers today deal with. Having young actors and actress in realistic problems that people can relate to. 


The film Wonder exhibits the genre for many different reasons. The film is an inspiring heart warming story about  a young boy named August Pullman born with facial differences that prevented him from going to a public school. 
August encounters with many difficulties like, bullying and not fitting in with his fellow classmates for looking a bit different. August also known as Auggie is known the most disliked boy entering the fifth grade. 
Through out the film, viewers witness the emotional roller coaster of feelings that can be related to. With the moral lesson of there is always someone out there has problems that take over their life, but can conquer them and live a happy life style. 
The special effects on the actor that plays August, shows a very nice dimension of the deformation of his face, making it seem as if he really has this disease going on. 
Having those two shots of August and his mother having emotional talks on how he is unhappy on the way he looks, and being self conscious about himself really makes the audience tear up. 
The topic is something a lot of people feel empowerment too because people sometimes complain on how they look, or how they act, when there are really people out there that may not have a normal face. 
It makes viewers reflect on how they should act and treat others. The close ups on August make the audience feel the pain and see how he is suffering very badly in school. 

The Titanic 

The Perks Of Being A Wall Flower 
A Walk To Remember 



Drama Films, www.filmsite.org/dramafilms.html.

“Drama.” The Script Lab, 15 Mar. 2011, thescriptlab.com/screenplay/genre/952-drama/.

“Drama Movies.” Filmbug, www.filmbug.com/dictionary/drama-movies.php.


My name is Isabela and I am using this blog for an aice media studies project that we will start later on in the year around March. I believe this website will help me achieve a good grade on this project, as well as endure me with new tools to navigate through out the year.